
Showing posts from September, 2022

Case 1

  This is a case of 19 year old student who presented to the OP with the  Chief complaints  1)Fever since  yesterday 2)Headache since yesterday  3) Generalised weakness  The patient is apparently asymptotic till yesterday  Then he developed  Fever which is of high grade, intermittent associated with chills and rigors  No history of Cold,cough,sore throat, nausea or vomitings  Headache in the frontal region of   Episodes per day  No history of photophobia, photophobia, watering of eyes There is no history of Burning micturition, hematuria, Malena pain abdomen, epistaxis  No history of chest pain, palpitations or syncopal attacks  PAST HISTORY  Not a known case of DM/HTN/TB/CAD/ Epilepsy/Asthma  PERSONAL HISTORY  DIET- mixed  APETITE- normal  SLEEP-adequate  BOWEL AND BLADDER MOVEMENTS - regular  ADDICTIONS -none  FAMILY HISTORY  Not significant family history  GENRAL EXAMINATION The patient is coherent, conscious,cooperative well oriented to time place and person  He is moderately built